
Khal offers a set of commands, most importantly agenda, calendar, interactive, new, printcalendars, printformats, and search. See below for a description of what every command does. Calling khal without any command will invoke the default command, which can be specified in the configuration file.


khal (without any commands) has some options to print some information about khal:


Prints khal’s version number and exits

-h, --help

Prints a summary of khal’s options and commands and then exits

Several options are common to almost all of khal‘s commands (exceptions are described below):


Be more verbose (e.g. print debugging information)


Use an alternate configuration file


Specify a calendar to use (which must be configured in the configuration file), can be used several times. Calendars not specified will be disregarded for this run.


Specifiy a calendar which will be disregarded for this run, can be used several times.


Almost everywhere khal accepts dates, khal should recognize relative date names like today, tomorrow and the names of the days of the week (also in three letters abbreviated form). Week day names get interpreted as the date of the next occurrence of a day with that name. The name of the current day gets interpreted as that date next week (i.e. seven days from now).



shows all events scheduled for given dates. khal agenda should understand the following syntax:

khal agenda [-a CALENDAR ... | -d CALENDAR ...] [--days N] [DATE ...]

If no dates are supplied as arguments, today and tomorrow are used. Dates must be given in the format specified in khal’s config file as dateformat or longdateformat. If dateformat is used, the current year is implied.

--days N

Specify how many days’ (following each DATE) events should be shown.


shows all events scheduled for a given datetime. khal at should be supplied with a date and time, a time (the date is then assumed to be today) or the string now. at defaults to now.

khal at [-a CALENDAR ... | -d CALENDAR ...] [DATETIME | now]


shows a calendar (similiar to cal(1)) and agenda. khal calendar should understand the following syntax:

khal calendar [-a CALENDAR ... | -d CALENDAR ...] [--days N] [DATE ...]

Date selection works exactly as for khal agenda. The displayed calendar contains three consecutive months, where the first month is the month containing the first given date. If today is included, it is highlighted. Have a look at khal agenda for a descrption of the options.


lets the user import .ics files with the following syntax:

khal import [-a CALENDAR] [--batch] [--random-uid|-r] ICSFILE

If an event with the same UID is already present in the (implicitly) selected calendar khal import will ask before updating (i.e. overwriting) that old event with the imported one, unless –batch is given, than it will always update. If this behaviour is not desired, use the –random-uid flag to generate a new, random UID. If no calendar is specified (and not –batch), you will be asked to choose a calendar. You can either enter the number printed behind each calendar’s name or any unique prefix of a calendar’s name.


invokes the interactive version of khal, can also be invoked by calling ikhal.

Use the arrow keys to navigate in the calendar. Press ‘tab’ or ‘enter’ to move the focus into the events column and ‘left arrow’ to return the focus to the calendar area. You can navigate the events column with the up and down arrows and view an event via pressing ‘enter’. Pressing ‘d’ will delete an event (a ‘D’ will appear in front of the events description, or ‘RO’ if you cannot delete that event). Pressing ‘d’ again will undelete that event.

When viewing an event’s details, pressing ‘enter’ again will open the currently selected event in a simple event editor; you can navigate with the arrow keys again. As long as the event has not been edited you can leave the editor with pressing ‘escape’. Once it has been edited you need to move down the ‘Cancel’ button and press the ‘enter’ key to discard your edits or press the ‘Save’ button to save your edits (and upload them on the next sync).

While the calendar area is focused, pressing ‘n’ will add a new event on the currently selected date.


allows for adding new events. khal new should understand the following syntax:

khal new [-a CALENDAR] [OPTIONS] startdatetime [enddatetime] [timezone] summary [description]

where start- and enddatetime are either datetimes, times, or keywords and times in the formats defined in the config file. If no calendar is given via -a, the default calendar is used. new does not support -d and also -a may only be used once.

new accepts these combinations for stard and endtimes (specifying the end is always optional):

  • datetime [datetime|time] [timezone]
  • time [time] [timezone]
  • date [date]

where the formats for datetime and time are as follows:

  • datetime = (longdatetimeformat|datetimeformat|keyword-date timeformat)
  • time = timeformat
  • date = (longdateformat|dateformat)

and timezone, which describes the timezone the events start and end time are in, should be a valid Olson DB identifier (like Europe/Berlin or America/New_York. If no timezone is given, the defaulttimezone as configured in the configuration file is used instead.

The exact format of langdatetimeformat, datetimeformat, timeformat, longdateformat and dateformat can be configured in the configuration file. Valid keywords for dates are today, tomorrow, the English name of all seven weekdays and their three letter abbreviations (their next occurence is used).

If no end is given, the default length of one hour or one day (for all-day events) is used. If only a start time is given the new event is assumed to be starting today. If only a time is given for the event to end on, the event ends on the same day it starts on, unless that would make the event end before it has started, then the next day is used as end date

If the summary contains the string ::, everything after :: is taken as the description of the new event, i.e., the “body” of the event (and :: will be removed).


  • -l, –location=LOCATION specify where this event will be held.
  • -r, –repeat=RRULE specify if and how this event should be recurring. Valid values for RRULE are daily, weekly, monthly and yearly
  • -u, –until=UNTIL specify until when a recurring event should run


khal new 18:00 Awesome Event

adds a new event starting today at 18:00 with summary ‘awesome event’ (lasting for the default time of one hour) to the default calendar

khal new tomorrow 16:30 Coffee Break

adds a new event tomorrow at 16:30

khal new 25.10. 16:00 18:00 Another Event :: with Alice and Bob

adds a new event on 25th of October lasting from 16:00 to 18:00 with an additional description

khal new -a work 26.07. Great Event -r weekly

adds a new all day event on 26th of July to the calendar work which recurs every week.


prints a list of all configured calendars.


prints a fixed date (2013-12-11 10:09) in all configured date(time) formats. This is supposed to help check if those formats are configured as intended.